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The classifier is the part of the Chatto bot that takes the user input and decides what command (intent) it represents. This classification is passed on to the Finite State Machine to decide what transition to execute.

The training text for the classifier is provided in the clf.yml file:

  - command: "turn_on"
      - "turn on"
      - "on"

  - command: "turn_off"
      - "turn off"
      - "off"

Under classification you can list the commands and their respective training data under texts.

Currently, there are two types of classifiers: Naïve-Bayes and K-Nearest Neighbors.


By default, Chatto uses a Naïve-Bayes classifier. This model takes the words from the texts as features for classification. The Naïve-Bayes Classifier requires at least two classes to be added.

You can optionally turn on Tf-Idf (Term frequency – Inverse document frequency) with the parameters field, in the clf.yml file', model object:

  classifier: naive_bayes   # this could be omitted, as naive_bayes is the default classifier
    tfidf: true

K-Nearest Neighbors

You can choose a K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) classifier which uses the average of the fastText word vectors as features for classification. You can specify the number of neighbors under parameters:

  classifier: knn
    k: 5            # by default k is set to 1

Word vectors

In order to use the word vectors, you must download your language's model and indicate where this file is located using file_name. In case you don't want to use all the words from the file, you can indicate how much to load using truncate (this should be a number between 0 and 1). Lastly, you can decide whether or not to skip the words that are not in the vectors file. If these words are not skipped, their vector will be a zero vector.

Your model object for KNN would look like this:

  classifier: knn
    k: 5
    file_name: ./vectors/wiki.en.vec    # where the word vectors file is locatedd
    truncate: 0.01                      # only 1% of the words will be used
    skip_oov: true

Model save & load

You can save your trained model and/or load your saved model by setting the save and load fields in the model object. The field directory tells Chatto where to read and write the files to.

For example, you could firstly:

  classifier: naive_bayes
  directory: ./my_model/
  save: true                # the trained model will be saved to ./my_model/

And then:

  classifier: naive_bayes
  directory: ./my_model/
  load: true               # the saved model will be laoded from ./my_model/

Both save and load will default to false, in which case the classifier will only be stored in memory during the bot's execution. The default value for directory is ./model/.


If both save and load are set to true, the loaded model will be overwritten.


You can optionally configure the pipeline steps by adding the pipeline object to the clf.yml file:

  remove_symbols: true
  lower: true
  threshold: 0.3

Currenty, the pipeline steps are:

  1. Removal of symbols (default true)
  2. Conversion into lowercase (default true)
  3. Classification threshold (default 0.1)


You can generate a classification report and confusion matrix from the trained classifier by running the test command:

chatto test --path ./your/data

The output of this command will look something like this:

INFO[0000] ---- Confusion matrix ----
INFO[0000]       greet good  bad   yes   no
INFO[0000] greet 13    0     0     0     0
INFO[0000] good  0     14    0     0     0
INFO[0000] bad   0     0     14    0     0
INFO[0000] yes   0     0     0     5     0
INFO[0000] no    0     0     0     0     5
INFO[0000] ---- Classification report ----
INFO[0000]              Precision  Recall     F1-Score   Support
INFO[0000] greet        1.0000     1.0000     1.0000     13
INFO[0000] good         1.0000     1.0000     1.0000     14
INFO[0000] bad          1.0000     1.0000     1.0000     14
INFO[0000] yes          1.0000     1.0000     1.0000     5
INFO[0000] no           1.0000     1.0000     1.0000     5
INFO[0000] Accuracy                           1.0000     51
INFO[0000] Macro Avg    1.0000     1.0000     1.0000     51
INFO[0000] Weighted Avg 1.0000     1.0000     1.0000     51